Overnight Camp Program
Jesus at the Center
New England’s Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Bible Camp
Established 1947
Christ Centered: Teaching, Fellowship, and Friends
Dates for Next Summer to be announced soon! Thank you for great camp season in 2024!
Bible Study
Camp Games
Canoeing and Kayaking
Arts and Crafts
Nature Exploration
Hiking Mt. Wachusett
Root Beer Relay
Romans Vs Christians
Counselor Hunt
Camp Pineshore is part of NLOMA (National Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Association). It’s partnership of Lutheran Churches. We participate in their joint recruitment program and are able to attract dedicated young men and women to serve our camp from across the United States. The average counselor at Camp Pineshore is in college and pursuing a church work vocation in childhood education and is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
All pastors that serve as camp chiefs are pastors in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and serves churches throughout New England. This includes the camp director Rev. David Jacoby who is the pastor at Messiah Lutheran in Fitchburg, MA.
Staff Training occurs prior to camp. Elements of the staff training include CPR & First Aid certification, Heads Up concussion training from the CDC, Allergen Awareness, Medicine Administration, Disaster Planning, and other training targeting the physical, emotional, and social well-being of our participants. All staff members are CORI and SORI checked annually
Sunday School Week
Entering grades 3-6
July 28-August 2Junior High Week
Entering grades 7-9
August 5-9Senior High Week
Entering grades 10-First Year in College
August 12-16 -
Delicious healthy meals and a comfy bed all provided.
Frequently Asked Questions
Camp Pineshore s located at: 12 Camp Pineshore Road Westminster, MA. We have a beautiful location right with a large beachfront on Wyman Pond looking out at Mt. Wachusett. Right off Highway 2, in Westminster, MA we are easy to get to.
All mail need to be sent to Messiah Lutheran Church at 750 Rindge RD Fitchburg, MA 01420. -
The camper to staff ratio for 5/6 year-olds is 5:1, for 7 years old and up the ratio is 10
Yes. As long as space is available.
For day camp, the children provide their own food.
For overnight camp, all food is included in the camp fee. -
Yes, if space is available. Please notify the director if you need to make changes.