Messiah Lutheran Church

Fitchburg, MA

Sunday Communion Worship: 10AM

2025 LWML Spring Rally: April 26, 2025

The theme is: Growing in God’s Grace. There will be a diaper drive for CareNet PRC in Fitchburg, MA. Includes a Pulla Breakfast and Lunch. Register by March 20, 2025.

Messiah’s Little Lambs Club

Last Sunday of each month we have special children’s program just for young children that begins after the Children’s Message. It includes Bible lessons and crafts. It also makes it easier for parents of young children to listen to the sermon.

Sunday School and Adult Bible Study: 9AM

Sunday school is program for kids to deepen their knowledge of the Bible. Right now, the Sunday School is studying the New Testament. The Adult Bible Study is studying the Case for Easter by Lee Strobel.

Lenten and Holy Week Services

The Words of Our Lord: A Lenten Series on the Words by which Jesus Institutes the Lord’s Supper.

o   Ash Wednesday, March 5th: 6 PM
Ash Wednesday: What should we do to prepare for the Lord’s Supper?

o   Wednesday, March 12th: Noon and 6PM
“On the Night He Was Betrayed”: A Supper for Christians in an Evil Fallen World

o   Wednesday, March 19th: 6PM (No Noon)
“When He had given thanks.”: A Supper of Gratitude to God.

o   Wednesday, March 26th: Noon and 6PM   
“He broke it and gave it to the disciples”: A Supper of Christian Unity and Fellowship.

o   Wednesday, April 2nd: Noon and 6PM
“This is My Body” “This is My Blood”: A Supper in which Jesus is Truly Present.

o   Wednesday, April 9th: Noon and 6PM 
“This Cup is the New Testament in My Blood”: A Supper instituted in Blood.

o   Holy Thursday, April 17th: 6 PM
“This do in Remembrance of Me”: A Supper to Show Up For.

o   Good Friday, April 18th: 6 PM
Good Friday- “Given for you.”  “Shed for you for the forgiveness of Sins”: A Supper FOR YOU.


Join us for Worship!

750 Rindge RD
Fitchburg, MA 01420

Just past the rotary up Rindge RD…you’ll see us up on the hill past Sizer school to your left.


Worship services are streamed live on Facebook Live. You can also re-watch old services on our Facebook Page. Drop in and join us.


Over the Phone

Over the Phone: Call toll free (877) 568-4106 and type in access code: 436-383-101#. Then hit # again and your in….or simply click on the button below with your mobile phone.

Visit Us

Messiah Lutheran Church
750 Rindge Rd.
Fitchburg, MA 01420

Church Office Phone:
(978) 343-7397

Preschool Phone:

Pastor’s Office:
(978) 516-6963

Pastor’s Cell:
(608) 346-1580